Sunday, July 26, 2020

Create Career Possibilities - Free Workshop July 9th 7pm - Hallie Crawford

Create Career Possibilities - Free Workshop â€" July 9th 7pm Join me at the Jewish Transition Network at Congregation Beth Shalom Social Hall in Atlanta, GA Thursday, July 9, 7:00 p.m for a free workshop on “Survive the Job Crisis: Creating Career Possibilities for Yourself in Three Short Steps”. Theres no doubt about it, the world can seem like a scary place right now. And for many of us, what is especially unnerving is the way the unemployment rate continues to rise. If you are one of those fearful of losing your job, have recently been laid off, or are searching for your ideal career, this presentation is a must-attend event. Career transitions can be trying; and even more difficult during a job crisis. In this FREE workshop, you will learn how to successfully manage whatever career transition you are currently facing. In this presentation, I will give you the three critical steps you need to take right now in order to survive the job crisis. I will show you how to create possibilities for yourself, despite the tough economy. If you want to find out how to survive, and even thrive, during these tough times, join us! Members and non members who are between jobs or who are looking for new opportunities are invited to join the Jewish Transition Network, an information and exchange resource for job seekers. Programs include career experts, job search strategies and networking time. Want more info? Please contact Bill Schwartz at 770-617-4311. All programs are open to the community, so PASS IT ON. Hallie CrawfordCertified Career Coach and Speaker

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dream job alert You could be Twitters Tweeter in Chief

Dream work alert You could be Twitter's 'Tweeter in Chief' Dream work alert You could be Twitter's 'Tweeter in Chief' Is it accurate to say that you are very connected to Twitter? Like, to such an extent that you never unplug? Do you know what the Twitter masses are going to Tweet nearly before they Tweet it? There might be an ideal activity sitting tight for you.Twitter is recruiting a Tweeter in Chief, an individual who will speak to Twitter, on Twitter, to Twitter, utilizing the ground-breaking @twitter account. (Already, that record was kept up by staff members, not a solitary individual). It speaks to another progression Twitter is taking to endeavor to fix itself and its clamorous, yell y nature.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders' magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!You'll establish the pace of what our identity is and how we act, and converse with individuals on Twitter, says the activity posting on Twitter's site. No biggie. The position is recorded as situated in San Francisco, New York, or any office in the U.S.You'll be composing the Tweets for @Twitter, setting the publication course and driving a group of amazing network managers.Not just will you be responding to culture, as it occurs, however we presume you may likewise have the activity of extinguishing fires, as Twitter has as of late multiplied down on halting the spread of deception and detest speech.It additionally appears that the position will incorporate interfacing with clients. We're host to the most astounding discussions on the planet … Spark discussions that feature what joins us. Cause the stage and world to feel a little smaller.You'll likewise be a narrator about Twitter's image character, course, and new items and highlights. Subjects may incorporate doughnuts, bringing circles, Serena Williams or the dispatch of Retweet with GIF.You'll additionally must be fixed on the zeitgeist â€" incredibly connected to Twitter culture, stan culture, and culture in general.Requirements are for a competitor with a foundation of social cop ywriting for persuasive brands. And likewise, they'd prefer to see your Tweets! Get them ready.You may likewise appreciate… New neuroscience uncovers 4 customs that will satisfy you Outsiders know your social class in the initial seven words you state, study finds 10 exercises from Benjamin Franklin's every day plan that will twofold your profitability The most exceedingly awful mix-ups you can make in a meeting, as per 12 CEOs 10 propensities for intellectually resilient individuals

Sunday, July 12, 2020

What You Should Know About Premier Professionals Resume Writing Service

What You Should Know About Premier Professionals Resume Writing ServiceIf you are considering Premier Professionals resume writing service, there are some things that you should know. First of all, they don't do any of the legwork for you. They simply guide you through the process and provide a resume that will give you the edge you need to land that big interview.What can Premier Professionals do for you? First of all, they offer a wide range of services from filling out job applications to formatting your resume. They can also make sure your resume reflects who you are and highlights your accomplishments, skills, or values that will be useful to the potential employer. All of this is done without the hassle of sending in resume after resume, all you have to do is describe yourself and your background to the company.Premier Professionals resume writing service can help you customize your resume to fit the role you are applying for. It can show you how to present yourself, and how to tweak it for each position to give you the best chance of getting that interview. However, if you do not feel comfortable doing this on your own, they can also conduct this service for you. This will save you the time, hassle, and effort of having to type up the resume on your own.Another advantage of hiring a Premier Professionals resume writing service is that they understand that every situation is different and that yours may not be the same. So, they will create resumes that are tailored to each individual job opportunity. This allows them to craft a resume that is appropriate for the environment you are trying to present yourself in.Lastly, hiring a Premier Professionals resume writing service has proven itself to be a wise decision. They have already done the legwork for you and will be able to get your resume ready for that big interview. After all, who wants to do all the work when an expert can do it all for you? You will save time and money while still securing your futu re.Why would anyone hire Premier Professionals resume writing service? First of all, because they are extremely knowledgeable about how to present yourself for the job you are applying for, and secondly, because they offer competitive rates for what they can do for you.One reason you would want to use a Premier Professionals resume writing service is that they offer not only templates for each job opening, but also multiple variations of each resume. That means no matter what the position you are applying for, you can find one that is similar to what you are looking for. Because they understand that you will have many competing resumes to choose from, they offer to make one for you at a discounted rate, so you have more than enough money left over for the application fees.Other reasons to use a Premier Professionals resume writing service is that they provide a service that other companies charge for. Rather than you having to hire another person to do this service for you, they wil l take care of the hard work for you. This means that you get the best quality service for your money, not to mention the competitive pricing that is available to you.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Using Good Active Verbs For Resume Writing

<h1>Using Good Active Verbs For Resume Writing</h1><p>When composing a resume, attempt to utilize great dynamic action words. At the end of the day, in case you're doing a college degree in English, you can compose a resume that is 'dynamic.' But you might be experiencing difficulty with your alumni degrees.</p><p></p><p>To start with, it's hard to depict what was happening in the understudy's life when the individual in question finished a course. It's significantly progressively hard to state how that individual could have enhanced their coursework. Subsequently, in the event that you are attempting to utilize great dynamic action words, you'll have to apply a presence of mind and guidelines.</p><p></p><p>To utilize great dynamic action words, you ought to consistently show where you went for your training. For instance, you may state, 'So as to pick up the aptitudes important to peruse basically, compose briefly, an d viably present research information to perusers,' or something along those lines. In the event that you complete a Masters certificate, you can disclose to them that you took a crack at the 'Institute of Professional Authors' and afterward state you went to Harvard Business School. Utilizing these sorts of models will make it simple for them to perceive how hard you attempted to gain your skills.</p><p></p><p>The next thing to consider when you are utilizing acceptable dynamic action words for continue composing is that there are decides that you need to follow. For instance, in the event that you state you went through two years in Ireland, your resume needs to incorporate, 'Scholastic in nature, however it incorporated some voyaging encounters.' What you have to do is to characterize your expected set of responsibilities. Be as clear as conceivable when you compose your resume with the goal that they see precisely what you accomplished for your program.&l t;/p><p></p><p>And besides, you need to ensure that you list your employments first, at that point your understudy work understanding, at that point your honors, lastly, your advantage. So for instance, on the off chance that you filled in as a server in a bar in Scotland, your understudy work will be recorded after your work understanding. That way, the business knows precisely what your particular field is and how you utilized it to overcome your program.</p><p></p><p>In expansion, you likewise must have the option to remain positive about your circumstance. You should never make reference to any negative parts of your degree as a feature of your synopsis. Regardless of how ludicrous they may appear to you, they simply aren't entertaining and they won't intrigue anyone.</p><p></p><p>Now, there is one special case to this standard and that is in the event that you are composing work continue. So far as that is con cerned, you might need to compose an individual resume since it will assist with making your resume look progressively expert and it likewise offers you the chance to state, 'I moved on from such,' when you are experiencing issues getting into a business' brain. In case you're an understudy and are having an issue finding a new line of work, attempt to consider approaches to give your resume an expert feel.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you ought to consistently have the option to give any subtleties that you may require. Along these lines, you will show up veritable, and it can assist with getting your application noticed.</p>