Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Myth #4 There arent any jobs out there for graduates in this economic climate. University of Manchester Careers Blog

Myth #4 There arent any jobs out there for graduates in this economic climate. University of Manchester Careers Blog We’ve all heard this statement before, be it from disgruntled friends or the media, and despite the frequency with which it’s uttered, it just isn’t true. There are currently (at the time of writing) 1,020 full-time roles being advertised on CareersLink, and that’s just one vacancy database â€" and, as the graph below shows, employers are looking to recruit graduates throughout the year. As we addressed in Myth #1, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that the only jobs available to graduates are graduate schemes. Although for some students these are an ideal destination, many more find fulfilling graduate roles with large companies and SMEs that aren’t part of an official scheme. And as was addressed in Myth #2, don’t restrict yourself by only applying to roles directly related to your degree discipline. Many companies, big and small, will recruit students from any degree discipline, placing more emphasis on your work experience and extracurricular activities than your subject of study. It also pays to think globally rather than just locally when you’re looking for vacancies. You will find great job opportunities all over the UK, not just in London or Manchester, and around the world. Being open to relocating and taking risks could mean you end up in a brilliant job after you graduate. Every year, many jobs go unfilled simply because students don’t always sell themselves effectively in their applications and are therefore presumed to be lacking the skills employers are looking for. However, if you make use of Careers Services resources (whether that’s our online advice or a guidance appointment), you shouldn’t have any problems with making a good application. careers Graduates job hunting job market jobs

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