Friday, December 27, 2019

Use the element of surprise to shake up your job search

Use the element of surprise to shake up your job searchUse the element of surprise to shake up your job searchAfter hunting for a job for a while, things can become predictable. The same resume uploaded. The same cover letter wrapping it all up with a bow. The bewilderment of not even receiving the courtesy of a response one way or another.Sometimes you really need to change things up if only to alleviate your own boredom with the process. Here are some fun ideas to inspire you while searching for your next gig.Put some chocolate on their pillowThere is something incredibly delightful and amazing about the hotel tradition of leaving something sweet on a guests pillow before bed. In the real world, while you cant actually leave a tiny sweet treat on a hiring managers pillow, you can send something sweet their way.If youve noticed them tweeting about their licorice addiction, for instance, you can send them a small package in the mail along with a hand-written note referencing their li corice love and very gently remind them about how you look forward to meeting again. And then leave it at that. Dont shower them with sweets, but rather show them that youve been paying attention and will do so if hired.Add some Easter eggsLets face it, resumes are boring. If someone spends their days hiring other people, theres a good chance theyve developed a serious case of CV fatigue. In case youre unfamiliar with the notion of Easter eggs, Wikipedia explains them this way In computer software and media, an Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message or image, or secret feature of a work. It is usually found in a computer program, video game, or DVD/Blu-ray Disc menu screen. The name is used to evoke the idea of a traditional Easter egg hunt.While you have to be vigilant about following company protocol and best practices, theres always a wee bit of wiggle room. So, say you have to create a sample report as part of the job application process. When naming the imagin ary company or faux business partners, feel free to come up with names that show youve been paying attention. Maybe the head of HR mentioned their favorite book during your interview use the heroes and villains or other recurring characters in your own report to show that you know what they like and intend to deliver it if they hire you.Make it highly visual or add a soundtrackObviously, in the world of finance, you never want to look anything but serious about dollars and cents. If, however youre applying for a creative job or one that encourages individual touches, consider making that part of your introduction as well. If youre applying for a gig in the music industry, add a suggested playlist at the end of your application. If youre hoping to work in the arts, add your own photography instead of standard clip art to punctuate your talent and originality. Make your resume sparse, or make it beautiful, but allow it to tell as much a story about you as your work experience does.Wra p it up with a bowBefore hitting send on your next application, try searching through resume templates to find something a little different that highlights your work and stands out in a good way. Use callouts if theres something in particular you want them to know about. Scan through to see if youre using stale expressions or language favored by their competition. Find a balance between respecting the process, while individualizing your own approach enough to make them take notice.Also, in case it needed to be said, dont really wrap your resume up with a bow, unless youre applying for work at a gift company known for their amazing gift wrap. See the difference?mixtur up the follow-upWhile your traditional stationery and hand-written note are always a great idea, theyre not the only option. Send a card made of hand-made paper infused with seeds, if you know the interviewer is into earth-friendly products.Send a postcard with a twist and sign it Wish I was there if the company you asp ire to work for has a travel or tourism angle. Find the way to make them give you another chance without seeming like youre trying too hard.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Step by Step Framework for Implementing Internal Branding Programs

A Step by Step Framework for Implementing Internal Branding ProgramsA Step by Step Framework for Implementing Internal Branding ProgramsA Step by Step Framework for Implementing Internal Branding ProgramsAttachmentImplementing New Internal Branding ProgramsImplementing New Internal Branding ProgramsNote Youll need Adobe Reader to view the PDF file above.Download Adobe ReaderWednesday, May 2, 2012This hands on workshop will teach you fresh processes, provide templates, step by step frameworks, message maps, tactical creative planning tools and tutorials. It will illustrate how to practically create a step by step employee internal branding program and message architecture that is fun, evolving and creative.Specifically, this workshop will teach youAn effective step-by-step framework for effective internal branding that covers the theory, messaging, tactical planning, program management and measurement processes to track results and impactHow to create a message matrixunderstanding the value of communicating the right message, to the right audience, at the right timeMethods for tactical planning and group brainstorming that yield greater employee participation and internal buy-in that are fun and engagingCriteria and methods for measuring resultsThe process of creating a message architecture and experiential tactical plan message architecture is the process of building a comprehensive internal message that is clear and understood, relevant and personal and suggests the right behavior one should adoptHow to make internal branding effective to your audience in a meaningful way by understanding the importance of tactical resonance and message relevancewould like to thank Allan bildhauer for presenting this webinar. Presented byAllan SteinmetzFounder CEO, Inward Strategic ConsultingAllan Steinmetz has built an internal/external branding, change management communications, team alignment and market research consulting firm like no other. He has over 30 years experienc e in marketing strategy, branding, change management, advertising and communications. During that time he has worked for Ford Motor Company, the US Postal Service, Ericsson, Pitney Bowes, Campbells Soup, Zurich Financial Insurance and Walmart in addition to several high-tech companies, start-ups and professional services firms.Before establishing the firm, he was the Senior Vice President and Corporate Director of Marketing for Arthur D. Little.Allan was a member of the US Postal Service Marketing Advisory Board and formerly a board member of Bertucci Brick Oven Pizza. He is a frequent speaker on topics such as the advertising industrys need for internal branding and change communications. He has been a featured speaker at many nationally recognized conferences.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

7 words you should immediately stop using to describe yourself

7 genaus you should immediately stop using to describe yourself7 words you should immediately stop using to describe yourselfWe all know the words we say to others matter. But sometimes we forget that the words we say to andabout ourselvesare equally important. We need to be careful about the way we describe who we are. If you wouldnt assign a word toa friendor other loved one, you probably shouldnt assign it to yourself, either. Keep scrolling for seven specific words that you should stop using to talk about Y-O-U.1. AloneIf youve just gone through a breakup with a significant other, have experienced a loss in your family, or are just feeling generally down in the dumps, it can be tempting to feel - and even say - that youre all alone. Remember, though, that if youre sharing these feelings with a friend or other confidante, youre far from lonely. If you feel lonely, stop thinking of yourself as alone and reach out for support. Perhaps it would help to reach out or let people in yo ur life know that you need something versus trying to figure it out alone, licensed psychologistSue Sextonsays. You arenotlagealoneFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more2. StupidLicensed marriage and family therapistIbinye Osibodu-Onyalitells us that she hears this word all too often. If you say to yourself that you are stupid, you will trigger a negative feeling about yourself, as well as negative thoughts about yourself, Osibodu-Onyali says. Too many negative thoughts can lead to a drop in self-confidence or self-esteem. Give yourself a little credit. Allow the necessary room to make mistakes so that you can relieve the pressure you put on yourself and be a little more compassionate to yourself.3. LazyToo many of us call ourselves out when we cant rise early to exercise, take on one more task at home or at work, or just keep up with someone else, saysKaren Azeez, certified holistic health coach and author ofThe Kindfulness Solution. At this point, we should see if we just need more down time, sleep, motivation, or information instead of judging ourselves harshly. Dont conflate exhaustion or overwhelm with habitual laziness. Youre only lazy if you choose to be.4. Just/OnlyWhen asked what you do for a living or even for fun, dont hedge your answer with the word just or only. Youre not just a student or only an assistant or spending your weekend just hanging out. Own who you are and what you do. These qualifiers undermine your power and awesomeness, serve as an apology for something that requires one, and broadcast low self-esteem or fake humility, saysNikki Bruno, a power coach, speaker, and author.5. SorryWomen, in particular, are in the habit of making themselves apologetic way too often. Whilesaying that youre sorrymay seem harmless - maybe even polite - you probably say it more than necessary. Executive coach andDevelopment studentencorpsfounder Kate Giga x encourages you to be mindful that youre not saying sorry for things that arent yours to own. Consider replacing Im sorry with thank you. For instance, try saying, Thank you for your patience instead of Im so sorry Im late6. SensitiveBy labeling your thoughts and feelings as sensitive, youre not only judging yourself, but youre instantly negating your thoughts and feelings, therapist and life coachTess Brighamnotes. Theres nothing wrong with having emotions. Even if youre convinced that you have more feels than the average human, you dont owe it to anyone to justify your behavior. Instead, allow yourself to experience those emotions, so you can move past them when youre ready.7. HopelessNo matter how low youre feeling or how much you feel you need to grow or improve, we ask you to never, ever label yourself this way and the experts back us up. Reinforcing that youre growing and learning is a far more positive, motivating, and effective katechese than expecting mastery out of the ga te and beating yourself up over it, life and career coachSally Anne Carrollsays.This article originally appeared on Brit + Co.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people7 words you should immediately stop using to describe yourselfWe all know the words we say to others matter. But sometimes we forget that the words we say to andabout ourselvesare equally important. We need to be careful about the way we describe who we are. If you wouldnt assign a word toa friendor other loved one, you probably shouldnt assign it to yourself, either. Keep scrolling for seven specific words that you should stop using to talk about Y-O-U.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard cov ering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more1. AloneIf youve just gone through a breakup with a significant other, have experienced a loss in your family, or are just feeling generally down in the dumps, it can be tempting to feel - and even say - that youre all alone. Remember, though, that if youre sharing these feelings with a friend or other confidante, youre far from lonely. If you feel lonely, stop thinking of yourself as alone and reach out for support. Perhaps it would help to reach out or let people in your life know that you need something versus trying to figure it out alone, licensed psychologistSue Sextonsays. You arenotalone2. StupidLicensed marriage and family therapistIbinye Osibodu-Onyalitells us that she hears this word all too often. If you say to yourself that you are stupid, you will trigger a negative feeling about yourself, as well as negative thoughts about yourself, Osibodu-Onyali says. Too many negative thoughts can lead to a dr op in self-confidence or self-esteem. Give yourself a little credit. Allow the necessary room to make mistakes so that you can relieve the pressure you put on yourself and be a little more compassionate to yourself.3. LazyToo many of us call ourselves out when we cant rise early to exercise, take on one more task at home or at work, or just keep up with someone else, saysKaren Azeez, certified holistic health coach and author ofThe Kindfulness Solution. At this point, we should see if we just need more down time, sleep, motivation, or information instead of judging ourselves harshly. Dont conflate exhaustion or overwhelm with habitual laziness. Youre only lazy if you choose to be.4. Just/OnlyWhen asked what you do for a living or even for fun, dont hedge your answer with the word just or only. Youre not just a student or only an assistant or spending your weekend just hanging out. Own who you are and what you do. These qualifiers undermine your power and awesomeness, serve as an apo logy for something that requires one, and broadcast low self-esteem or fake humility, saysNikki Bruno, a power coach, speaker, and author.5. SorryWomen, in particular, are in the habit of making themselves apologetic way too often. Whilesaying that youre sorrymay seem harmless - maybe even polite - you probably say it more than necessary. Executive coach andDevelopment Corpsfounder Kate Gigax encourages you to be mindful that youre not saying sorry for things that arent yours to own. Consider replacing Im sorry with thank you. For instance, try saying, Thank you for your patience instead of Im so sorry Im late6. SensitiveBy labeling your thoughts and feelings as sensitive, youre not only judging yourself, but youre instantly negating your thoughts and feelings, therapist and life coachTess Brighamnotes. Theres nothing wrong with having emotions. Even if youre convinced that you have more feels than the average human, you dont owe it to anyone to justify your behavior. Instead, all ow yourself to experience those emotions, so you can move past them when youre ready.7. HopelessNo matter how low youre feeling or how much you feel you need to grow or improve, we ask you to never, ever label yourself this way and the experts back us up. Reinforcing that youre growing and learning is a far more positive, motivating, and effective message than expecting mastery out of the gate and beating yourself up over it, life and career coachSally Anne Carrollsays.This article originally appeared on Brit + Co.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 13, 2019

Lease Accounting Trends in Detroit

Lease Accounting Trends in motor cityLease Accounting Trends in Detroit LEASE ACCOUNTING TRENDS IN motor cityHas your company begun the transition to the new lease accounting standard?DetroitU.S.Yes46%44%No55%56%Finance leaders who reported their company has begun the transition also were asked As part of that transition, have you begun the diagnostic work necessary to determine the level of effort which wil be required for you to be ready to adopt the new standard?DetroitU.S.Yes, already completed17%48%Yes, started but notlage completed83%51%No, havent started0%1%Have you completed the following?DetroitU.S.Identified team members and responsibilities for completing the transition to a new standard83%61%Made an inventory of, and prioritized, any systems changes which might be required20%51%Developed a project plan to address all gaps emanating from the diagnostic work27%49%Identified, at a high level, the magnitude and type of the lease inventory (e.g., property, equipment)20%49%Writ ten new accounting policies20%47%Written new accounting procedures18%43%Investigated any lease or property management systems which will facilitate adoption25%42%What is the most challenging aspect of the transition to the new standard?DetroitU.S.1.Diagnosing the needed changes1.Training staff2.Finding professionals with the requisite expertise / Managing change (tie)2.Diagnosing the needed changes3.Identifying, inventorying and categorizing companys leases3.Finding professionals with the requisite expertiseFor your company, which new accounting standard has been more challenging to adopt?DetroitU.S.Revenue recognition90%71%Lease accounting10%29%How much of the processes and learnings from transitioning to the new revenue recognition standard have you been able to apply to adopting the new lease accounting standard?DetroitU.S.Most of them10%29%Some of them67%54%Almost none of them23%17%Source Robert Half and Protiviti survey of more than 2,000 finance leaders in the United States, i ncluding 100 in DetroitTotal may not equal 100 percent due to rounding.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What Is So Fascinating About Volunteer Resume Sample?

What Is So Fascinating About Volunteer Resume Sample? Finding Volunteer Resume Sample Online The very first thing that you ought to know is there is nobody right method to craft your volunteer resume. In the USA, volunteers play a crucial role in the day-to-day running of health-related facilities, helping free up more time for medical staff to acquire on with medical-related tasks. The probability of obtaining a job for a volunteer is often large. She is someone who has made a decision that they will work for a company or an organization without expecting a payment. People do volunteer work for several explanations. Charity work caters to a distinctive group of individuals. Volunteer work is about helping people. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Volunteer Resume Sample If youre looking for Volunteer Cv Template youve come to the proper spot. As a result, if youd like to turn into a volunteer, you will see volunteer resume templates very useful. Volunteers are located in an assortment of nonprofit organizations performing unremunerated work. Volunteers which are not immune will be liable for obtaining the essential vaccinations before start date. In some instances, the hiring manager may be reluctant to call you in for an interview whatsoever if you include church references in your resume, as stated by the Business Insider site. Our uk-based writers supply the maximum quality, professional cv writing. If you wish to make an application for a volunteer work, you may use this Federal Resume Examples as a guide on the following draft. Writing good resumeobjectives is important to provide your resumea striking start. Autism This sample tribute will offer you a few ideas about how to begin with your distinctive speech. Our hospital volunteer CV template offers easy-to-understand methods and insights. One needs to use a great format too. Create the ideal job-worthy cover letter writing in only a few clicks The Volunteer Resume Sample Cover Up You must be in a position to illustrate the demand for instruction, to evaluate every individuals talents and capabilities as a means to recommend analyze techniques and additionally learning. Your resumes skill departement is certainly an unbelievable chance to create use of a sortiment of the vital words the ATS is most likely looking for. Your resumes skill section is an outstanding chance to bring in usage of several of the important words the ATS is probably searching for. The abilities section isnt any distinct. Your current password hasnt been changed. Adhere to the structure of volunteer templates samples, and you can begin by reading the next examples of fantastic service statements. If youre using mobile phone, you might also utilize menu drawer from browser. The One Thing to Do for Volunteer Resume Sample You merely resume to include around three entries based on your experience. This way, its clear what type of experience you gained. On-line education proved to be a disruptive force 25 decades ago. Though you might not have a work history or lengthy collection of impressive degrees, you can definitely find something to include. There are quite a lot of locations where you might acquire good resume examples. Whether this volunteer the case for you, be certain to include your example nestorian order essay service within this section. Businessmen and business directors Bring evidence of your position in the organization and remuneration. Its also advisable to ask the organization for more information. What About Volunteer Resume Sample? Possessing the proper skills is wonderful. You may then go into your service and techniques. Your skilled experience is truly an important part of your resume. Your professional experience is truly an important portion of your own resume. Nurse education is offered by universities. Nurses workin an assortment of specialties. Its so important to tie your volunteer activities to certain skills yo u are going to need for your intended jobs. Hiring managers prefer the reverse chronological since it is simpler to read. Being a coordinator may be lifelong rewarding career, but sometimes it is wise to start as a volunteer before youre able to get to a level in which you receive a salary for the job. Detail-oriented individual with strong multi-tasking abilities and Bachelors degree desires the function of Volunteer Accountant to get experience whilst aiding a trustworthy organization.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Learning How to Find the Right Career

Learning How to Find the Right Career When you first set out to determine how to find the right career, you may realize that there are a lot of options and paths. Many people spend their working life moving from job to job in an effort to figure out how to find a suitable career and finally locate the right profession for their interests and personality. If you start off with a clear career plan, you can save yourself time and energy in positions that are just the wrong fit for you. You can get a crash course in how to find a career by following some simple processes.Visit a Career CounselorWhether you are in high school or college, there is a career or guidance counselor available that can show you how to find the right career for you. A counselor may offer you a variety of personality or career tests or simply talk with you to determine your interests and show you how to find a career that will be rewarding. Career tests can help you to narrow down your interests. With some insight from your career counselor and a strong test, you will be able to choose a good career for you.Take Online TestsMany online career aptitude tests exist online and can help you in your quest to find a great career. As with tests in a career counselors office, these tests will not spell out for you how to find the right career, but they will help you to understand your personality. Understanding yourself and your preferences enables you to see why one career may be a better choice for you. Once you have this information, you can narrow down your career choices.Research CareersThe Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, lists thorough information about different careers. You can find information related to educational requirements, expected salaries, and even working conditions in different. This is important information to consider as you find the right career for yourself. While this information also does not spell out for you a step-by-step method for finding the right career, knowledge is indeed power.As you set out to find the perfect career, do not discount the information you can glean from the people you meet and see every day. Ask people about their jobs if you find what they do interesting or research the professions as you ansturm across them. Learning how to find the right career is not difficult, but you will be richly rewarded for spending the time to learn what career is best for you.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

7 ways to make immediate success your only option

7 ways to make immediate success your only option7 ways to make immediate success your only optionChange doesnt happen untilit musthappen. Inner drive is far from sufficient its failumineszenzdiode you many times in the past.Necessity is the mother of invention.If you really want to change your life, you need to createconditions of necessity.Herein lies the new science of transformation.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraYou need to shock your system. To quote Napoleon Hill,A good shock often helps the brain that has been atrophied by habit.Why does your system need to be shocked?Everything in your world wants to remain in homeostasis. You need to shatter your subconscious patterns and disrupt the homeostasis around you. This will repel the people keeping you stuckverzierung and attract others who will help you evolve.Radical transformation can happenvery quickly.But it requires bo ld action that reframes your subconscious patterns. Once those beliefs have been upgraded, your world changes immediately and dramatically. As Charles Haanel, considered to be the father of modern self-improvement said,Remember that no matter what the difficulty is, no matter where it is, no matter who is affected, you have no patient but yourself you have nothing to do but convince yourself of the truth which you desire to see manifest.So how do you shock your subconscious system?How do you convince yourself of the truth which you desire to happen?By the end of this article, youll know precisely how1. Invest In Yourself (and your relationships)If you dont pay, you probably wont pay attention. Joe PolishYour level of investment reflects your level of commitment.When you invest in something, you begin to wrap your identity around that thing. The more invested you are, the more you see yourselfas that thing.If you invest in a cause, youll become incredibly committed to that cause. So much so that motivation is no longer an issue. Your level of investment compels you to doeverything in your powerto advance the cause.Want evangelists? Get people to invest more into what youre doing.Want to become an evangelist yourself? Then invest more.What about yourself?How invested are in you in yourself? Said Jim Rohn,Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune.Very few people invest in themselves. Sure, they may buy a book or occasionally get themselves a massage. But again, their subconscious beliefs are limiting. You get in life what you subconsciously believe you deserve. As Dr. David Hawkins explains in his book,Letting GoIf we have a small view of ourselves, then what we deserve is poverty. And our unconscious will see to it that we have that actuality.The more you invest in yourself, the more committed youll be to yourself and your own success. The more invested you are, the less entitled you feel. The more you beco me a giver and not a taker. And the world awards the giver.By investing big in yourself (and you are, without question, your greatest asset) you shock your subconscious system. You forcibly tell yourself,I am worth it. What I want matters.2. Put Yourself In The Right EnvironmentThe most creative ideas arent going to come while sitting in front of your monitor. - Scott BirnbaumIn our individualistic society, we often fail to appreciate how dramatically we are influenced by our surroundings.But who you are is the product of your environment. If you married one person, youd be and become a different person than if you married someone else.To change your environment is to change you. Your possibilities are shaped by your context.If you want BIGGER and BETTER ideas, you need to put yourself into different types of environments from which you typically operate. The best and most innovative ideas literally cant percolate is most environments.You need an environment that puts you into a pe ak state, where your phantasie is able to run wild. Where you feel motivated and inspired. Where your negative and limiting thoughts are squelched by theempowering emotionsyoure experiencing.Emotions always precede thought. Hence, you need an environment that facilitates specific types of emotions, which then will allow you to create incredible visions, ideas, and strategies.How do you get into such environments?You invest in yourself and your relationships. Herein lies a fundamental truth that is largely misunderstoodSupply follows demand.When the demand is great, the supply will show up in some form or another. So, if youneedto succeed, if youmustbe around specific people, thenthe universe will conspire to make it happen.It cant be optional for you. It must be done. To you, it must be truth. Only then will the demand be great enough subconsciously to produce the desired result.This highlights another misconception that keeps people in poverty. Rather than living within your means, you should 1) DECIDE what you want, and then 2) FIGURE OUT the means of attaining what you want. As Hall of Fame football coach, Bill Walsh said,When your why is strong enough you will figure out how3. Set 10X Goals While Youre In A PeakStateA truly committed decision is the force that can change your life.A truly committed decision has to be unshakable no matter what happens. Even if the stock market collapses, your girlfriend dumps you, or your friends think you went crazy. Tony RobbinsFew people make committed decisions. Most people, actually, have a very bad relationship with commitment. And because they are bad with commitment, they have low confidence. You cant have confidence without commitment, because you cant have confidence if you dont trust yourself.Most people lie to themselves several times per day.They tell themselves they will do something, and then watch themselves not do it. Over and over and over. Mahatma Gandhi said,To believe in something, and not to live it, i s dishonest.Making committed decisions is best done in specific environments. You want to be outside of your gebtheit environment.You want to be in a place and in a state of mind that CREATES a very powerful commitment. You want to create your commitment while youre in a peak state. The level of emotion that creates your commitment reflects the quality and height of your trajectory.If you make a committed decision while in a weak or mediocre frame of mind, you set yourself on a mediocre and lowly path.While in an elevated state, you want to set goals SO BIG that they scare you. You want to set goals that you cannot currently fathom HOW theyll be completed. You need to set goals that require faith to achieve them (not necessarily a religious faith - but a firm expectation and hope of a future outcome).I recently had such an experience. While I was at a mastermind event, I heard a talk about 10Xing the price of your products and services.The talk, coupled with the environment, facili tated wild imagination within me. I began to think of an online course I was preparing to sell. The course was originally $200. But I decided to make it $1,000.When I told some of my clients about my new plans for the course, most of the people were excited. With the elevated price would come elevated services and outcomes.However, one of my clients barked back at me,How dare you increase the price by five times? Youre not five times better than you were last year.He was right.I wasnt five times better. And I never would be, until I created that expectation, both for myself and for others.It was by charging five times more that I became five times better.You never pre-qualify for success. You qualify yourself through the process of taking on something bigger than youve ever done before.To quote famed public speaker, Kyle MaynardThe worst advice Ive ever been given was to not increase the fee I charged to give a keynote speech. I was told I would price myself out of the market, I did nt have enough recent media coverage to compete against well-known speakers, blah, blah, blah. I decided to raise my price anyway incrementally at first, then I doubled it. Now I have twice as many inquiries, and people even negotiate with me less. I wish Id done it earlier. Its given me much more freedom.What about you?Is your vision poverty-stricken?4. Recruit A Team OfGeniusesYou are really not in business until you hire your first person. - Barbara CorcoranWhen I decided I was going to create a much bigger and more compelling online course, I knew I couldnt do it myself. The vision was way to big for me.So I decided to hire the best people I could to make the vision happen. I offered to pay them a percentage of the total sales. Said Stephen Covey,Synergy is what happens when one positiv one equals ten or a hundred or even a thousand Its the profound result when two or more respectful human beings determine to go beyond their preconceived ideas to meet a great challenge.Youll ne verfeelready to take on big challenges. Subconsciously, going bigger is out of your reach. So you must act bigger (and before) you feel ready. You must act in such a way that you shock and reshape your subconscious patterns. Your identity isnt what determines your behavior. Rather, it is your behavior that determines your identity.By making bold and powerful behaviors, you reshape your identity and your life.5. Create High Expectations For Those Around You (and yourself)Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event. Brian TracyWith the help of my new team, I was able to create the most compelling and powerful launch Ive ever done. Moreover, I was able to upgrade and re-conceptualize the entire online course. It evolved, and I evolved. It was much bigger and would be far more useful to my clients.The power of the launch and the set-up of the coursecreated a powerful culturewithin the new group of students. The energy is palpable. The ex pectations for success are high.6. Create A Demand So Intense That Youre Forced To Respond PowerfullyMake the mental image. Make it clear, distinct, perfect hold it firmly the ways and means will develop supply will follow the demand you will be led to do the right thing at the right time and in the right way. Earnest Desire will bring about Confident Expectation, and this in turn must be reinforced by Firm Demand. - Charles HaanelGiven the magnitude and quality of the launch, there was an insane response. We started getting hundreds of emails daily from people, seeking more information about the course.At the time, I didnt have my own personal assistant. So my friend who was helping me with the launch had his assistant field all of the emails for a week.During that week, it became clear that Id need to hire my own full-time personal assistant just to get through the launch. But also,given the new reality we had created - in making the course much bigger and more expansive - Id n eed an assistant to help me execute the new vision. It was too big for me to handle on my own.We had created a situation of extreme demand. Now, we needed help. Within a few days of searching, I found a brilliant new assistant. Again, the subconscious belief system becomes shattered. New ideas begin to emerge within the realm of the new environment being created. As famed historian, Will Duran said,I think the ability of the average man could be doubled if it were demanded, if the situation demanded.Bigger and bolder vision begins to take shape as the new situation unfolds.Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, has said that for someone to maximize their potential, they need to outsource everything that isnt their unique ability. Others have similarly said that you should ONLY do that which will make the biggest impact. Only do your super-power, and have other people do the rest.You need to put yourself in a position where you cannot do it yourself. It will be your tendency t o procrastinate hiring other people to help you with the logistics. The longer you wait, the less progress you make. Once you have other people who can handle EVERYTHING except your super-powers, your connections, and your vision, your success will 10X or 100X very, very quickly.7. Watch As Your World Reshapes Itself To Match The NewYouUntil one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in ones favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. - William Hutchison MurrayWhen you act boldly in the spirit of 10X committed decisions, you absolutely will disrupt the status- quo.The environment holding your current reality together will be shattered - like shoving a sharp wedge into a glass structure. All the pieces will fly everywhere.Chaos will ensue.Everything will be trying to force you back to your comfort zone.But the damage will already be done. The intense decision will have been set in motion. Ripples are now spreading and making waves. Youll haveactedpowerfully, and you cant take that action back. Its no longer just ideas swirling around in your head. But youve now put them out into the world - where real consequences are now arising.Your new decision, and thus your new reality and identity will not be well-received by some. In fact, the illusion that has long-since been your relationship with certain people will shatter. The new you will no longer be acceptable to some. Youll push their buttons too far. They wont be able to keep the act up any longer.It will become obvious that your relationship with certain people wasnt real. And now, youl l repel these people from your life.There may be some seriously harsh consequences to doing this.Business could fail.Significant relationships could end.But whatever chaos comes from making the bold and new decision needed to happen. The glass house you had created around you to keep yourself safe and stuck needed to be destroyed.Youre willing to face the consequences.Youre willing to seemingly take a few momentary steps backward because you know that in all reality, youre now moving in the direction you want to be.Youre now living at a much higher frequency, where the rate and height of results will be much better and faster anyway.Youre no longer living a lie.Youre forcing your environment to change. Forcing it to match your visions and ideals. Forcing yourself to evolve into the person you want to be.Ready toUpgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What rowing across the Atlantic can teach you about the working world

What rowing across the Atlantic can teach you about the working worldWhat rowing across the Atlantic can teach you about the working worldToby Gould welches both excited and petrified on the morning of December 12, 2018. He and the three other non-professional rowers in his kollektiv were due to set off from La Gomera in the Canary Islands in a rowing boat equipped with only as much kit and freeze-dried food as a 29 x 6-foot boat can carry. Ahead of them lay 3,000 miles of ocean before they would reach their finishing point across the Atlantic.The 39-year-old who normally works as deputy head of resilience at London Fire Brigade said We are buzzing, we are ready to go we are not thinking about anything else. The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is seen as the worlds toughest row.The rest of the team consisted of Jeremy Reynolds, 41, a former British Army soldier who now works as London resilience manager at London Fire Brigade Alison Wannell, 40, the only female crew member and a qualified lawyer and Justin Coleman, 53, a stand-up comedian. An hour before the race started, Gould posted a video saying We had a look at the forecasts. We are looking at three-metre waves from the off this afternoon. Thats scaryFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreFifty days, 22 hours and 38 minutes later, they arrived in English Harbour in Antigua. The race had tested them to their limits. The team of four had spent Christmas and New Year at sea, battling severe seasickness, equipment failure and sleep deprivation to the extent one was convinced hed seen a spaceship. But as well as the lows, there were highs the sunrises and sunsets, wildlife encounters, and the shared camaraderie an extreme sporting challenge can bring.Over the 50 days, I followed the team closely, analyzing their triumphs and their difficulties through video diaries. I also carried out interviews after the ra ce. This project was a bit out of the ordinary for me (I research business leadership) but I wanted to see whether this extreme example of a team effort could tell us anything about the workplace.Rowing businessIn todays turbulent business world, teams frequently face uncertainty and challenges and consequently are prone to impaired performance. Whether in life, business or a fierce mid-Atlantic storm, resilience enables us to deal with stress and overcome adversity.Personal resilience is the ability to cope with adversity are you able to bounce back to high-performance levels after a struggle? We know that teams performing in extreme environments do not perform in the same way as in normal settings due to heightened stress. Stress makes solving complex tasks difficult, leads to negative emotions, such as fear, which leads to impairment of personal performance and strains the relationships in the team. But resilient teams struggle well together. When facing adversity, they work thro ugh rather than avoid difficulties.I found luckily that the rowing team did indeed work well together. They solved tricky issues like a steering autohelm that started continuously breaking and supported each other emotionally through long dark nights and torrential rain. At one point, one team member reportedWe had a cargo ship coming over the hill and we had to react to that, getting on the radio and making sure they werent going to run us over. Then we had a water leak alarm going off. There wasnt a water leak, but the alarm was going off, and I had to dig that out, and that sort of thing. Then we were having problems for the third time with the autohelm, and the guys out on the oars kept getting spun around by the wind.Although a 3,000-mile race across the Atlantic featuring threatening cargo ships and torrential rain may seem a world away from your workplace stresses, there are lessons to be learned from this extreme example. So for anyone navigating the challenges of the work ing world, here is some adviceFive lessonsGet into a routine. Settling into a familiar pattern of working was one particular coping mechanism used by the team, to great success. One rower noted that Resilience is gradually getting higher as I get into a routine on the boat, and I can see us making progress.Focus on the goal. Concentrating on the task at hand either in the positive sense (that completing the race would be an achievement), or the more negative sense (that there is no other way to reach the goal) helped all of the rowers. The only way of getting through this is getting the rowing done. So I could lie in bed, but I certainly wouldnt get home faster Id get home a lot slower, which is how Ive had to cope with it, one rower observed.Take time out. Removing yourself from the situation for a time can help you to recharge and cope with stress. Although confined within a small space on the boat, one rower would imagine themselves in their happy place to recharge their batter ies and return to the race with perspective.Create a sense of control. Creating guiding and protective structures can help, so that you dont feel overwhelmed. One rower described that finding out just exactly where they were geographically, in the middle of an ocean, was a terrifying thought as what was going around them was so unpredictable. So building up secure processes and structures of working as a team and focusing on managing challenges on the boat was a good mechanism for creating a sense of control.Seek support from others. Being able to lean on each other and offer support when times are tough is a key skill in any venture. The team support network helped the rowers work through the challenges they faced. In one diary recording, a rower observed Everyone is doing great things, helping and being supportive of each other.Despite the coping mechanisms that the four rowers developed, their resilience levels varied drastically throughout the race. Close to the finish line, the y had the most challenging part ahead of them. Their mental and physical resources had been tested for weeks and they were both physically and mentally exhausted. Nevertheless, they had to find the motivation to give everything they had left to finally reach the finish line.Resilience is similarly key in todays dynamic and challenging world of work, which continuously throws new challenges at us. Working on ways to improve resilience is therefore very important for success whether your own, or that of your company.Caroline Rook, Lecturer in Leadership, Henley Business School, University of ReadingThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The 10 Best Jobs of the Future in United States

The 10 Best Jobs of the Future in United StatesThe 10 Best Jobs of the Future in United StatesIf youre a trying to pick a long-term career its worth thinking about 2 things what will be the high-paying jobs of the future? And secondly, which jobs will be in demand in the future?Thankfully, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes forecasts for job growth across hundreds of industries. To make it even easier for you, weve picked out the best jobs of the future based on current average salaries and the number of projected new job positions.Weve only included jobs with a salary of more than $55,000 a year and jobs with a extremum of 75,000 projected new positions by 2026.If youre thinking about applying for any of these positions, pay attention to the key skills which are required. There are ways of working them into your resume using a resume builder. Read this guide on thetop skills employers want.Here are the top 10 jobs of the future listed in reverse order by salary10. Elementar y school teachersApproximate salary (2018) $55,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 100,000+Educational requirements Bachelors degreeKey skills Communication skills, leadership, organization, commitment, engagement, confidence.What do they do? They teach young children the range of school subjects so its important to have a wide skill set. Normally they focus on a specific grade (students of the same age).9. Wholesale and manufacturing sales representativesApproximate salary (2018) $55,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 80,000+Educational requirements High school diplomaKey skills Interpersonal skills, persuasion, organization, influencing, motivating, selling.What do they do?They sell products on behalf of wholesalers or manufacturers to businesses and other organizations. They contact potential customers and explain product features, answer questions, and negotiate prices.8. Market research analystsApproximate salary (2018) $60,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 130,000+Educat ional requirements Bachelors degreeKey SkillsNumerical, communication, initiative, problem-solving, attention to detail, organization.What do they do?They collect and analyze data to help businesses market their products. The information they look at includes the prices, sales, and marketing methods of their competitors.7. First-line supervisor of construction trades and extraction workersApproximate salary (2018) $60,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 75,000+Educational requirements High school diplomaKey skills Problem-solving, communication, logic, attention to detail, technical, multi-tasking.What do they do?They directly supervise, organize, and coordinate construction or extraction workers. They read blueprints, determine construction requirements, plan procedures, and monitor progress.6. Accountants and auditorsApproximate salary (2018) $70,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 140,000+Educational requirements Bachelors degreeKey skills Numerical, organization, planning, neg otiating, managing deadlines,What do they do?They prepare and examine financial records. They make sure the records are accurate and hat taxes have been paid properly.5. Registered nursesApproximate salary (2018) $70,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 430,000+Educational requirements Bachelors degreeKey skills Compassion, communication, dedication, critical thinking, observation, kindness.What do they do?Nurses work with doctors and other medical professionals to deliver healthcare. They care for patients and assess their needs.4. Management analystsApproximate salary (2018) $80,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 95,000+Educational requirements Bachelors degreeKey skills Problem-solving, communication, interpersonal, organization, analytical, evaluation.What do they do? They propose ways to improve an organizations efficiency. They advise managers on how to reduce costs, improve workflow, and ultimately make businesses more profitable.3. General and operations managersApproximat e salary (2018) $100,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 200,000+Educational requirements Bachelors degreeKey skills Leadership, interpersonal, technical, communication, planning, conflict management.What do they do? They plan, coordinate, and direct the operations of organizations. They play a pivotal role in businesses and are crucial for the smooth running of operations.2. Software and application developersApproximate salary (2018) $100,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 250,000+Educational requirements Bachelors degreeKey skills Programming, logic, creativity, problem-solving, attention to detail, analytical.What do they do?They develop user-orientated computer applications and programs. They are the creative minds which provide solutions for users of computers, cell phones, and other devices.1. Financial managersApproximate salary (2018) $120,000Projected new positions (by 2026) 100,000+Educational requirements Bachelors degreeKey Skills Numeracy, problem-solving, analytica l, negotiating, presentation, decision-making.What do they do?They are responsible for providing financial advice to clients, colleagues, and organizations. They need to be aware of financial systems and proceduresand have a good head for numbers. BUILD RESUME If you havent been to college there are plenty of well-paid jobs for you. Find out the top 10 highest paying jobs in America you dont need a degree for.